Why listen to me?
That’s why. (I’ve made more than a few…)
I never wanted to
own a business
It sounded like WAY too much responsibility…
I never wanted to own a business. To this day, I can still remember in my late teens, saying to a friend, “I don’t understand what someone would own a business, it’s way too much responsibility!”
I continued with this attitude through most of my 20’s, travelling the world, funding epic missions through Africa, Asia, Central America and the Middle East with minimum wage jobs bartending, bouncing, tractor driving and dive-mastering. I was seeing amazing things, meeting great people, not a care in the world. I still remember saying to a friend,, “I could live this life forever!”
Right on schedule however, during my 25th year on this planet, the quarter-life crisis took hold, where the crushing weight of indecisiveness affects every minute of your life as you wonder if it’s the right move in this thing called LIFE. As fate/coincidence tends to work, at this exact time I had also finally managed to rehab a shoulder that had been in pain for 5 years, thanks to self education into functional movement.
I realised that I wanted to help other people this way. But with no formal qualifications to my name, I needed to go back to school. But little did I know that after 5 years of study and a Masters degree, there was no column of ‘Exercise Physiologists Wanted’ beside the pages of accounting, I.T. and law jobs. If I wanted to make a go of it in fitness, I needed to create my own opportunities.
Cue the standard gym instructor shifts, followed by a year of running outdoor boot camps when they were all the rage, and then into opening a CrossFit affiliate, which was also just a great way to get out of the cold winter rain and muddy local parks. Back in 2008, no one knew what CrossFit was. Heck even I wasn’t sure what it was. All I knew was that I had never had so much fun working out, and I had never been so fit, and I wanted to share it.
What I quickly came to learn however, and have continued to evolve over the years, is that lifelong fitness is very different to world class fitness. What regular, normal people, with stressful jobs, new families and old injuries needed was fitness for life, not fitness for now.
The amazing culture of CrossFit, and group exercise in general created incredible motivation, friendly rivalry and enjoyment;, however these powerful extrinsic motivations did not sustain enough of my members long enough to see the results they needed and deserved. Dwindling inspiration, disappointment in progress, burnout and injury was common.
I can remember talking to a cancelling member, a guy in his 40’s, active but not as fit as he could have been, young family, busy job, aka my perfect target client. He said to me, ‘I love it here, but the workouts are just too hard…’ It would have been easy to write him off as unmotivated; but deep down I knew he was right.
I knew that something needed to change.